People ask us, "Where did you get the idea to do these storage units?" Well, in June of 2016 we purchased a 1961 Shasta Airflyte retro camper and couldn't find any where to store it. Every time we saw a dark cloud we panicked (it has aluminum siding!). After looking for storage for two years, but to no avail, we decided to just build a storage facility. We didn't like the idea of paying rent (money down a rat hole) so after doing much research, we ran onto the idea of the 'storage condos'.....and, low and behold, the concept of, The CubbyHole, was born!
We have put our heart and soul into this project and we hope that others will share our vision of a garage space 'you can call your own'. Part of our vision was to include a fun clubhouse where you can host family events or take a break while you're working on your car, business, or other projects.
Here's to a fun, new way of looking at storage for your prized possessions or just a place to store the things that are piling up in your house and garage! We hope you join us!
Craig & Gay Wilson